UAE’s Diplomatic Shift: A Closer Look at the G20 Summit Controversy

UAE’s Diplomatic Shift: A Closer Look at the G20 Summit Controversy

During the recent G20 summit held in New Delhi, a surprising turn of events unfolded when Pakistan’s historically close ally the United Arab Emirates (UAE) found itself at the center of a controversy. In an unexpected move, the UAE accepted Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir as part of India during a video presentation. This change in stance surprised many and raised questions about the emerging dynamics in South Asian geopolitics. In this blog, we highlight the details of this important development and its potential impacts.

The G20 Summit Presentation:

The incident occurred during a video presentation at the G20 summit. The objective of the presentation was initially to highlight the economic corridor projects connecting India with the Middle East and Europe. However, it inadvertently drew attention to a fundamental shift in the UAE’s diplomatic stance on the Kashmir issue.

UAE Deputy Prime Minister’s Endorsement:

Adding to the intrigue was the fact that Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister of the UAE, shared the video presentation on a major social media platform, effectively supporting India’s territorial claims in the region. This public acknowledgment represented a major departure from the UAE’s historical alliance with Pakistan on the Kashmir issue.

Significance of the Shift:

The UAE’s changed stance on this controversial issue is significant. This suggests warm relations between India and the UAE with potential implications for economic cooperation, diplomatic relations and strategic partnership.

Impact on Regional Dynamics:

Pakistan has traditionally enjoyed strong relations with these nations, primarily due to shared cultural and religious ties. However, the changing geopolitical landscape could reshape these alliances and regional dynamics.


The UAE’s acceptance of Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir as part of India during the G20 summit is a significant moment in South Asian geopolitics. This highlights the evolving nature of diplomatic relations and underlines the need for continued analysis of international relations. As these changes in stance reverberate across the region, their implications for alliances, stability and global politics remain a subject of keen interest and scrutiny.

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